Clavecins Martine ARGELLIES

English > Catalog > CLAVICYTHERIUM


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The space occupied by the instrument is tiny (92 cm X 38 cm), and the sound is enormous because of the position of the sound board.

French 18th century sonority, velvety and sparkling, with a very pleasant light touch.

This instrument is inspired by the French school of harpsichords, the sound is admirable and refined.


Compass: 61 notes, of F with F.

Disposition: a set of 8 feet

Keyboard: natural of boxwood, sharps in oak or walnut.

Dimensions: width: 92 cm, depth: 38 cm, height: 2m48

Decoration: The case is painted in the colour of your choice with bands and mouldings gilded with gold leaf. Optional rosette.

Transposition: 415 / 440 hertz

Price: 14 500 € TTC
